The Summit School
Jamaica Estates, NY
Challenge: To report on and promote the many
positive events and programs that go on at the
Summit School, particularly in this case, the fact that
monies raised in the school’s capital campaign were
being “constructively” used to add a 7,500 square
foot addition to Summit’s Upper School building.
Solution: Pictures, lots of pictures – each one is
worth a thousand words!
Challenge: The Summit School needed a generic
invitation for a series of gatherings to educate the
parents about the newly-launched capital campaign.
Solution: This copy line reminds parents that the
success of the Summit program is the result of the
partnership between school administrators, faculty,
students, and their families. This invitation reminded
parents that they are an essential piece, and that this
is a time when their help is needed.
Challenge: Devise a way for families, unable to
commit to a multi-year, larger capital-campaign gift,
to participate by making one-time gifts at the level at
which they are most able.
Solution: Remembering the old adage “ When times
get tough, the tough go shopping,” an actual
shopping list was created to include many of the items
that were needed to outfit the classrooms in the new
addition. By offering a variety of price levels, people
were able to “opt in” rather than “opt out” of the
fundraising campaign efforts.
Donor Solicitation
LearningSpring School
New York, NY
Challenge: LearningSpring School is a NYC
independent school for children who have been
diagnosed on the autism spectrum, more specifically
with Asperger Syndrome. The Board of Trustees
initiated an award to be given at their annual
fundraising benefit, honoring those who had made a
significant contribution in their advocacy to this cause.
Solution: Being “on the spectrum” has become the
terminology commonly used to identify people with
this diagnosis. Well, I just took the icon of the color
wheel – a spectrum of another sort – and we named
the award The Spectrum Award in an attempt to flip
the negative impact often associated with “being on
the spectrum” into a colorful new spin.
Spectrum Award
Academy for Career Exploration (ACE)
Providence, RI
Challenge: The school decided to hold its first-ever
alumni reunion! How could I get the message to
alums so that they would know what they could
expect and bring them back into the high school
state-of-mind one more time?
Solution: I decided to use the dictionary definition to
convey the message.
Challenge: In addition to a rigorous academic
program TCCA offers three unique programs as it
prepares its students for a productive life after high
school. We wanted these booklets to be able to either
stand together or stand alone.
Solution: Using the school color identifies them as a
unit, yet putting a basic circle, square, or triangle on
the front lets the reader know that each brochure
tells a different story.
Brochure Covers
International Charter School
Pawtucket, RI
Challenge: The International Charter School is
unique for its 50/50 bilingual, full-immersion, dual-
language instructional model, in which students learn
in English and Spanish, or in English and Portuguese.
In an effort to begin to build a “culture of giving,” the
administration wanted to educate the parents about
some ways funds had been acquired that year, and by
example, stimulate thoughts for ways families might
consider donations and/or contributions.
Brochure outside
Solution: The communication called for a
straightforward presentation of information on the
variety of options available, supplemented by
wonderful heartwarming photos of ICS students.
(Each printed piece is produced in all three languages
– always a bit challenging, as the Spanish is
considerably lengthier than the English – so this has
to be factored into the initial design scheme.)
Brochure inside
Challenge: Each year the school holds its annual
Primavera! event on the first weekend of spring,
intending to create a party environment where all
members of the school community join together for
good food, good entertainment, and good shopping
opportunities, as they raise needed funds for the
Solution: Happy happy happy – shown in Spanish
here, but printed in all three language of the school –
in an attempt to set the mood for the fun to be had
by coming to the party.
Challenge: To create a vehicle to promote the
school, educate people about the school, and
fundraise on behalf of the school.
Solution: The Children’s Garden seemed like the
perfect showcase as, in addition to generating a crop
of more than 21 vegetables, fruits, and herbs during
the summer previous year, activities in the garden are
fully integrated into the math, science, and health
and wellness curricula, and showcase the multi-lingual
culture of the school.
Parents were asked to contribute family recipes that
included at least one of something grown in the
garden. All recipes were printed in a color-coded
format (English in blue, Spanish in orange, and
Portuguese in green). Illustrations made by students
and sparkling photographs were included to highlight
the unique qualities of this wonderful school.
Bryant University
Smithfield, RI
Challenge: To create a stand-alone promotional piece
for the Information Services (technology) Department
that would mesh with other university publications.
Solution: Respecting the black-and-gold combo
established by Bryant’s in-house publications
department, this packet is made up of eight step-
cards neatly layered, four on the right, four on the
left, each with “hip” photography on the face and a
detailed description of each feature on the back.
Step Card — front, back
The Churchill School and Center
New York, NY
Challenge: To design a communication on behalf of
this independent school for children of normal to high
intelligence who struggle with learning disabilities, as
an announcement to both parents and potential
donors at the launch of Churchill’s $21-million-dollar
capital campaign to include the renovation and move
to a significantly larger building, allowing enrollment
to double and the addition of a high school.
Solution: Previously, the school was located in two
back-to-back brownstones, without a gym, a library,
Show and Tell cover
computer labs… you get the point. The cover features
a transparent overlay that shows the dramatic
increase in size. Listing the actual rooms on each
floor, and then making note of the direct impact on
the program, helped viewers to realize the spectacular
difference this new facility would have on the valuable
educational program offered at Churchill. And it did!
Show and Tell Inside Spread